Choose the Perfect Plan


We are here to help, always.

CareBell 24 x 7 Services
24/7 Call Support

We are just a phone call away, round-the-clock.

CareBell One Push Solution
One Touch Button

Single tap on mobile application to access help.

CareBell 90 seconds response
90 Secs Response

90 seconds call pick-up ensuring swift assistance.

CareConnect Call Center

About CareBell

CareBell is SG Assist 24/7 emergency monitoring service to ensure your loved ones have quick access to help in the event of emergencies.

CareBell includes a mobile application for Android, that allows user to dial into SG Assist 24/7 call centre at a touch of a button on their mobile phone. CareBell is also available to iOS user via shortcut. 

Why CareBell?

  • Immediate Access to Help – CareBell allows seniors to connect instantly with our Call Agents at the press of a button, facilitating rapid medical assistance when needed.
  • Promote Independence – With 24/7 monitoring, seniors can maintain their independence, knowing that help is readily available if they need it. This reassurance allows them to engage in daily activities with confidence.
  • Assurance for Families – gain assurance knowing that your loved ones have immediate access to 24/7 help in the event of emergency.

  • Personalized CareWhether it’s a medical emergency or a simple question, our trained Call Agents are here to help.

About CareConnect

CareConnect is SG Assist 24/7 emergency monitoring service to ensure your loved ones have quick access to help in the event of emergencies.

CareConnect includes CareBell, a mobile application for Android, that allows user to dial into our call centre at a touch of a button on their mobile phone. CareConnect is available to IOS user via Shortcut app. 


  • Immediate Access to Help – CareConnect allows seniors to connect instantly with our Call Agents at the press of a button, facilitating rapid medical assistance when needed.
  • Promote Independence – With 24/7 monitoring, seniors can maintain their independence, knowing that help is readily available if they need it. This reassurance allows them to engage in daily activities with confidence.
  • Peace of Mind for Families – gain peace of mind knowing that your loved ones have immediate access to 24×7 help, reducing your anxiety about their safety.
  • Personalized CareWhether it’s a medical emergency or a simple question, our trained Call Agents are here to help.

How to Sign Up

  1. Sign up for a CareBell account below. You can register for yourself or on behalf of your care recipient.
  2. Go to Google Play on your Android phone
  3. Search for CareBell mobile application
  4. Download and install CareBell Mobile Application
  5. After installing the CareBell application, move the application to your home screen for easy access during emergency.
  6. When there is an emergency, press the CareBell app to connect to our call centre

Please note that an activated CareBell account is required to connect to our Call Centre via the CareBell Android application.

  1. Sign up for a CareBell account below. You can register for yourself or on behalf of your care recipient.
  2. Click this link to get the Shortcut for “CareBell”:
  3. Select “Add shortcut” option
  4. Click the 3 dots icon for CareBell
  5. Select the CareBell option with “down arrow” on top of your screen
  6. Select “Add to Home Screen” and select “Add”
  7. Your shortcut is now added to your Home Screen! Tap on it anytime to quickly call CareConnect support line.

Please note that an activated CareBell account is required to connect to our Call Centre via the CareBell iOS shortcut.

Download the iOS set up guide here.

Join Our Waiting List!

Join our waiting list and enjoy 12 months free subscription* when CareBell is launched. 

*First 12 months of free subscription. $20/month on renewal.

Please Note:

  • We take pride in our 90 seconds call pick-up ensuring swift assistance for users when needed. However, in the case of an  emergency that may require medical assistance, please call 995.
  • No internet connection needed as our service is accessible with mobile access (mobile data) ensuring support wherever you are.
  • CareBell mobile application is currently only available for Android phones except for Huawei  phones (Huawei phone does not come with Google Play and CareBell is only available on Google Play). Please note that CareBell  application may not support Android phones with non-standard form factor or outdated OS. For iOS users, you may set up CareConnect service via Shortcut.
  • The service is available only if you can provide your current location details when contacting our Call Centre.

Our Partners

We work with our partners to provide you this exclusive service

Frequently Asked Questions

Discover the range of subscription options available and get answers to common questions about our 24/7 emergency response service.

Our 24/7 emergency monitoring service provides round-the-clock assistance, ensuring quick access to help in emergencies. To connect to our Call Centre, click on the CareBell Android application or the iOS CareBell shortcut.

To use our service, you must first sign up as a CareBell subscriber. Once your CareBell account is activated, you can connect to our call agent using the Android mobile app or the iOS shortcut.

We take pride in our 90 seconds call pick-up, ensuring swift assistance for users when they need it. However, in the case of an emergency that may require immediate medical assistance, please call 995.

When you connect with our call agent, please let them know if you are at home. If you are outside, kindly provide your location to our call agent.

To cancel your subscription, please contact our customer support team for assistance at Alternatively, you can choose to let your subscription lapse without renewing.

You will receive a link to renew your subscription  one (1) month prior to your subscription expiry date. 

When you sign up, you have the option to register for yourself or on behalf of a care recipient. You can sign up for multiple care recipients, but please ensure that each one has a unique mobile phone number.

You must be a registered CareBell account user to access the 24/7 CareBell service. If you are not registered, clicking on the mobile application or shortcut will redirect you to our voicemail.